Saturday, September 30, 2023

Horde Wars: The High-Seas Horror pt. II

 Author's Note: I'm afraid I have come to you all this evening bearing terrible news. It would seem that my character, Drago, has met his end in this particular game of Horde Wars. Now, for the good news, I was able to roll up another character in minutes. Read on from The Ship's Log being diligently kept by one of our party members and to cap off this note before I post the logs from the past two sessions, I wanted all of you to know that you too can now play the game I've been playtesting for months! Simply go to this link at Big Geek Emporium Dot Com to get your copy of Horde Wars Basic d12 for only $5!!!

Day 18

We took the raft over to the pier and found a desiccated orc berserker drained of moisture collapsed over the other corpse.  He stinks terribly and his axe is freshly chipped.  It appears he was starving.

We took 8 hand mirrors, a wizard’s robe, mercenary leathers, unusual brigandine armor made from the scales of creature, a lash with silver thread embedded in it that is mercurial and cold, flint and steel, wool blankets, religious text, 2 antitoxins, 6 healing potions, 1 darkvision potion, 1 water breathing potion, Oswald holding: 2 scrolls of flight, scroll of edwin’s chime, a scroll of cloak of invisibility, 10 Crowns, 120 Marks, a heavy crossbow, and 15 bolts from the shop. 

Day 19

While attempting to return our bounty to the ship, we were attacked by an invisible creature. The creature grabbed them with two claws that froze them and their life was drained out. Oswald and Drago were harmed pretty badly.

Day 20

A bird slams into the mast of the ship and falls. We find a note in its container. The note says someone is trapped in a tower. There is a monster at the bottom of the tower. We send a new note with the same bird back the way it came. The bird slams into the sail, ripping it. The new note confirms that someone is passing notes with us.

We decide to use 3 Flight spells to survey the entire island. Sigfried comes out with the party and explores the island. He finds desiccated people. He then flies to the lighthouse, finds people hit with hammers dead. More shipwrecks all over the coastline.

I found a stone structured castle. There are knights that seem to be illusions or ghosts.This is a fabled castle ruled by a legendary king. The nation doesn’t exist on any map. The name escapes me. By the look of them, they seem to be very old/ancient. 3 miles inland and uphill from the harbor.  There was a ring of dead birds around the invisible wall.

I search around more, and find overgrown outbuildings, homes, barns. Orchards last longer than planted fields. More desiccated corpses, more dead animals are found. Nearly every corpse is desiccated except for the giants, and the birds.

Scroll: Hand of Regulus

Scroll: Lightning Bolt

Scroll: Shapeshift

X USED X Scroll: Disenchant (burst area)

Scroll: Shapeshift

While searching the tower, we were ambushed by the creature. I used the disenchant scroll to make it visible, revealing it to be a banshee. We managed to defeat it but angered the tower gargoyles in the process. Phillip and I got away and returned to the ship but Siegfried ran into the tower. His fate is unknown.

The rest of us crept towards the tower while Siegfried frantically tried to block the door between him and the Gargoyles. A bloody battle ensued at the top of the tower with the gargoyles. Drago died tragically from the wounds he sustained in his attempt to rescue Siegfried. We had no healing potions left. We searched the tower for items and found:

1 Treasure Chest: 300 Marks, 20 Crowns

1 Treasure Chest: 100 Crowns, 350 Marks

1 Decoration: Dragon Glass Obelisk with Elves and Nymphs dancing (300 marks)

1 Decoration: Crystal Platter engraved with a Tree and Seven Stars (750 marks)

1 Artifact Weapon: Enchanted Silver Battleaxe (1d12 slashing, extra die of damage vs. monsters, heavy, ignores displacement and absorption.

Drago was set upon a raft along with his weapons and personal effects. He was set out to sea after the raft was set

ablaze in accordance with what we believe to be customary for one such as him. 

Day 21

Another boat crept upon us in the middle of the night. We were awakened in the night to the sound of goblins. We emerged from our sleep, still tired and worn but alert enough that we were armed and ready to defend the ship. We overheard someone yelling in the distance but were unsure as to what was taking place. The Goblins attacked once discovered. During the fray, a yell could be heard and then a scream and a splash. We busied ourselves defending the ship and were making short work of the goblin attackers. 

A man entered the battle and aided us. Having lost Drago in battle, we weren’t sure at first as to whom the man was

that had boarded our ship. We were able to understand that he wasn’t here to harm us as he ferociously attacked

the goblins, displaying a particular distaste for them. When the fighting was over, we were introduced to the man that aided us. His name is Herger Baldursson, though we know little about him, he did aid us in our time of need. He also aided us in looting the goblin’s longboat. He took the goblin bodies, tossed them onto the longboat that the goblins had used as their pirate vessel and then used one of the goblins’ own torches to set it ablaze after we had pushed it away from us.     

Items found on the Goblin Longboat

Scroll: Elemental Shield

Scroll: Flight

Scroll: Shapeshift

Jewelry 1 - Gold Bracers decorated with Diamonds or Emeralds [3,500 Marks]

Jewelry 2 - Gold Earrings decorated with a Star Sapphire [1,000 marks]

Yogshnark was also discovered unconscious on the Longboat and brought aboard the The Knórr.

Magic Scroll: Elemental Shield - Maneuver

Scroll: Flight

Scroll: Shapeshift

Jewelry 1 - Gold Bracers decorated with Diamonds or Emeralds[3,500 Marks]

Jewelry 2 - Gold Earrings decorated with a Star Sapphire [1,000 marks]

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