Monday, July 10, 2023

Horde Wars: The High-Seas Horror

 Our heroes, Drago, a Viking Skald, Oswald Hawthorne, a blue/white wizard from Mercia and Phillip Tanner, a huntsman have booked passage on a merchant ship. 

One night, they were awakened by the sounds of something happening on the deck above. They immediately grabbed their gear and headed to the deck of the ship to find that the crew had been slaughtered, leaving only the three of them alive with a ship laden with Iron Ore to steer. 

Drago immediately brought the ship to a stop, the threat seemingly having been over and began the work with Oswald and Phillip to bury the bodies at sea and get the ship moving again. Movement was slow and plodding, but with only three people to commandeer the ship. 

With Drago taking control of the ship, being the only one with any sailing experience, as Captain, Oswald became his First Mate, keeping the log of their adventures. This is that log book in it's entirety...

Day 1

The Crew is dead.  The Mysterious Island is 280 Miles West at Full Speed.  The Crag is 120 miles South at Full Speed. 

Whitehaven is 400 miles East at Full Speed.  We set sail for Caerwyn, 8 Days North at half Speed.  

Day 6

Sea Serpent Encounter.  We drove off two of the Beasts!

Day 8

Land sighted!  We see the white cliffs of Caerwyn. 

We headed north, following the coast along the east side of the island.  

Days 9 & 10

We sailed into the port city of Aberdyfi during the night by sailing between its two lighthouses. 

We took a Full Day’s Rest at a seaside inn.  At the end of the session we recruited three NPC’s:

Asmog an orc seer, Brother Thomas a monk abbott, and Siegfred a Brigmari mercenary commander.

Day 11

We set sail for the mysterious island. Clear skies, good wind at our backs, and we made good time.

We move closer to the Crag using the wind. We are 240 miles from the mysterious island at the end of day 11.

Day 12

We passed a diving bell. We avoided it. We were attacked by giant crabs. We cooked one.

We are now 190 miles from the island.

Day 13

Smooth sailing. We are now 140 miles from the island.

Day 14

Salt water piranhas begin to follow us. At 3:00 in the afternoon, we spot a dorsal fin, it is a megalodon.

The megalodon swallowed Brother Thomas the Monk Abbott whole!

It then swallows Asmog whole and plunges back into the water. We fended off the megalodon, recovered Asmog,

but  Brother Thomas died (shark food). We later encountered more piranhas. We are now 90 miles from the mysterious island.

Day 15

The number of piranhas following our ship is now in the hundreds. We are now 40 miles from the mysterious island.

Day 16

Asmog falls overboard. Drago pulls her back out. Phillip spots the mysterious island in the distance.

We head over to a natural harbor at the island.

Day 17 Morning

We wake up in the morning, anchored in the natural harbor. There is a port town on the shore.

There is a stone dock. No evidence of any people living here anymore.

Phillip noticed a large piece of cloth moving on the ground.

The port town is about 4 buildings deep and about 6 buildings wide.

We find a desiccated corpse seemingly in mid-stride in the street, clutching an old book written in Rundari.

Drago found treasure inside the belt pouch of the corpse.

From the book, Drago was able to read a passage: “I am alone.  Where did all these buildings come from?”

We find a dead body inside the first stone house we encountered.

The body has small pin pricks where its jugular vein would be.

The bodies must have been killed over 100 years ago because the wine Phillip sniffed was already vinegar.

We go upstairs and find a rotted baby in a crib. A family of four used to live in this house.

Phillip suspects that there is some curse involved.

The baby was not murdered, but just died from neglect after its parents died.

We are interrupted by the sound of ravens landing on the roof and watching us.

They fly away when Phillip investigates.

Siegfred suddenly knocks on the front door of the house with news that an orc woman died back on the ship.

He doesn’t remember seeing this orc woman before. We also do not remember seeing this orc woman before.

When we get back to the ship, we find that the orc woman was also mummified as well.

There are a couple of small pin pricks on her neck.

The corpse appearing on our ship was completely random as far as we know.

Oswald asked Siegfred what a flock of ravens spying on us meant.

He says that in his culture it means witches are watching us.

We hear the ravens circling overhead above our ship, cawing to one another. One said the word “invisible.”

Day 17 Afternoon

Pulled back out into the harbor.  Investigated the ship twice to check if the creature was already on board. 

Oswald killed a couple rats we chased out of the bilge. It did not seem to be, but when we used a dampened torch to try to

smoke it out, the rats did not come out of hiding as we expected they would.

As the tide went out, Oswald noticed that there were several shipwrecks in the harbor, all of various sizes and ages,

clustered toward the mouth of the harbor. Among them were an Orcish longship and an Elvish galley.

It would seem we are trapped here. 

Afterward, we noticed two strange reddish boulders on the top of the two cliffs flanking the harbor entrance.

We sailed closer to get a better look, and the boulders started moving. They turned out to be the shells of Siren Snails.

Then something made a blood curdling scream from the direction of the town.

Several flocks of ravens flew out of the town in opposite directions. 

That night something boarded our ship at night while we hid in the cabin. 

There were slurping noises as it wandered the deck.  The creature eventually gave up and left.

Day 18

We took the raft over to the pier and found a desiccated orc berserker drained of moisture collapsed over the other corpse. 

He stinks terribly and his axe is freshly chipped.  It appears he was starving.

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