Monday, February 6, 2023

Four Against Darkness: Cavern of The Chaos Lord The Story So Far

The Story So Far:

Four wandering adventurers from disparate backgrounds are settled in The Merciful Stag Pub when a mysterious stranger enters and selects each of the four adventurers for a mission.

Hadrian Drago of Boreal, a land to the north. Barbarian. A young warrior who has ventured forth into the world in search of glory and riches. Skilled in swordplay and long in courage, he can be brash and impulsive but he has a code by which he lives. Superstitious, he regards those whom use magic with suspicion.

Thorin Fireforge, a Dwarf from the lands of Krytan, moving into the world seeking the skills to apply his crafting and weaponry. He is over a century old and has spent his days reading and attempting to apply his knowledge to perfecting his crafting skills. Now he seeks experience to put his skills together.

Tauriel Silverleaf, an Elf from the realm of Vanadia. In her 60 years, she’s decided to see the world outside of The Vanadian Realm. Her limited magic combined with her skill with a sword make her both smart and deadly.

Dimitria Nightshade, a low-level mage from the University in Sinesia. Her adventuring is part of the Sinesian University’s final test, the ability to find, translate and use spells as needed in the service of others.

The mysterious stranger summons each of them to his table, feeding them and telling them of the threat known as Throk, an orc currently stationed in a cavern close to Ferrymoon Village. He promises that, should they return with the head of this orc general, he would reward them handsomely. He told them they’d be known as The Harbingers, collectively.

With the promise of reward and visions of gold dancing in their heads, they set out the next day, having been fed and rested. Their travels into the forest took them to the cave, guided by the Stranger, whose name they never did get. He informed them that he would wait at the cave’s entrance for their return but warned them that no one whom had ever entered the cavern had ever returned alive.

The Harbingers entered, battled their way into Throk’s Stronghold, successfully took his head and then battled their way back out. Emerging beaten, worn, tired, hungry, and a bit richer than they went in, they presented the head of Throk to the Stranger. He presented Dimitria with The Book of Skalitos, a legendary book of spells and walked away with the head of Throk in a sack. The Harbingers returned to Ferrymoon Village with enough money to cover lodging and food.

Several weeks later, reports of wandering orcs stalking and killing the villages lumberjacks in the forest begin emerging. Drago, overhearing the news sets out to find Thorin, telling him to gather the other two from the library, they have to go back…

The Story of The Harbingers' Attempt To Clear Throk's Lair Continues On Twitter

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Thousand Year Old Vampire: The Chronicle of Thrasamund pt 2

  Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the first installment in this particular adventure. There's so much more to come for Thrasamund....